National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM®) members gathered in Washington this summer for the association’s 2023 Legislative and Educational Conference. With their home base at the Phoenix Park Hotel, attendees learned about the new tools available to them with the legislative tracking team at Quorum and received a HUD update from federal government officials.
They also learned “How to Hug a Porcupine,” did sightseeing around our nation’s capital, and took in the grandeur of D.C.’s famous landmarks and museums. Most importantly, they made a difference!
With OMG’s Team NARPM® of government affairs directors Tyler Craddock and Troy Garrett, CEO Gail Phillips, CAE, and regulatory advisor John Broadway working behind the scenes, NARPM®’s Members walked the halls of Congress office buildings, visited with key staff to share NARPM® priorities, conveyed their expertise about rental management issues, and told the story of how these issues affect property managers’ everyday lives.
NARPM® President Tim Wehner, MPM® RMP®, and President-Elect Melissa Sharone, MPM® RMP®, also filmed their quarterly “Behind the Scenes” video message to Membership during the event. The response from legislative offices following NARPM®’s visit was tremendous!